Friday, December 24, 2010
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Welcome Baby
6lbs 13oz
Monday, November 22, 2010
Chicken Massacre
We've always thought of the hens as a production line for eggs and manure with an edible end. But their all to quick death really got me down. I felt lost this morning without the purpose of taking Miley in the wagon for our stroll to feed the chickens. Humph.
Timber is trying to sort the situation out with the owner of the dogs. Apparently the dogs aren't ever let out of their yard...but their gate was accidentally left open last night. We feel at ease that we don't need to worry about crazed, chicken eating, feral dogs freely roaming our block seeing as how Miley and mean dogs don't mix. But dam, my heart feels squashed.
Anyone know who we can buy chickens from?
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Gift Ideas
Miley will be 18 months old this Dec. She fits perfect in 18m clothing...but if you want an item to last longer, buy 24m size or bigger. We love dark colored items! Miley is tough on clothing and I can't seem to get stains out of anything (and I feel like I should have stock in Oxy Clean). We like solid colored, elastic shorts because they are easy to match with fun shirts and they are easy to put on. We've only found a few pairs of shoes that work for her. The crocks are the choice shoe for the moment and she's in a 4-5.
Rhett-James will be just newborn this Christmas. We have most everything we need for him.
Here's some fun stuff we could use.
- Wooden stepping stool so Miley can get on the potty and/or wash her hands.
- Kid size chair or chair-table set
- Swing for the almond tree outside
- Easel and/or art supplies
- Books! (we love books)
- Thermometer (the newer roll across the forehead kind)
- We'd love to have a 4 person tent to take the fam camping. An all mesh body with a sturdy rain fly would be best for our Hawaii weather.
- We could use a new car...although shipping costs from the mainland are quite high.
- We love visitors especially folks who want to babysit and give us a date night.
- Our Craftsman drill's batteries no longer hold a charge. (new batteries or new drill?)
- We don't have some basic tools...pliers, witre cutters...and we definitely don't have the organization (drawers, peg board....) to keep tracke of em.
- Timber loves fudge, t-shirts, and never seems to have a properly working headlamp.
- I'll be newly sans belly and will be working my way back to regular fitting yoga clothing.
- I'll be nursing so nursing tank tops would be awesome!
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Happy Harvest

Thursday, October 21, 2010
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Miley's miles
Here is what she is up to...
Words she says
---Mom----Daddy---Hi--- --Bye-bye---- Go-go-go------ Ohhh
---Cat---- -Cow -----Moo---Woof--------Fish------------Chicken
---Cheese -Please---Baby---Bubble------Betty (her best friend)
---Book ---Guava---Honu---Pool--------Baba (for drink)
Words she signs
---more---eat---up---bye-bye---potty---rain---wind---sleep---fish (she also points)
She loves
-playing "bucking bronco" with dad
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Cluck Cluck
We came into this chicken raising in the easiest way possible. Our friend Julia just started grad school on Ohau (different island). She had two flocks of hens at her place here on the Big I. Her house sitters didn't need that many eggs, so she decided to sell a flock and their abode to us. It is a portable coup and run: aka chicken tractor. Sounds glam right...well it is mostly just functional. The coup is made a 3'x3'x'4' hut with a set of wheels on one side so we can tilt it and roll it around. It has two nesting boxes and space for the gals to roost at night. The run is 10'x3' pvc and wood structure covered in chicken wire. It is open on the bottom so th
We make about 4 trips out to see the gals each day. Partly because Miley LOVES the birds. (Partly because Timber and I love 'em too.) Miley calls them CHEGEE and stubbornly points outside for us to got for a visit.
I'm reading up on chicken care, so hopefully the ladies have a long and productive life here with us.
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Summer 2010

2. Colorado Tour with the Ball-Comers. Emily picked us up at Denver International and we drove up into the Rockys near Salida. The drive was so beautiful. Whew, I missed mountains and pine trees. We stayed in a rustic cabin at Bunny Lane with Aaron, Emily and Kyana. Miley and Ky had a blast together. (Almost as much fun as Aaron and Timber had.) We hung with the Ball-Comers for J and T's wedding, at the Peak's house, on the river, and all the way to Mike and Lainie's house. So many good times. We love this family and are stoked to have finally met Ky.
Here's shout out to Stormy and Louisa I am so glad they made celeb appearances for the wedding. It was great to meet Louisa! They flew down from Alaska got Louisa's car and were road tripping it back up to Ak to be at work the next week.
4. The Peaks! We spent a couple days with Jeff, Katy, and Huxley at their place in Palisade. We were out of the cold Colorado mountain air and into the HOT, dry, desert. Good thing Jeff kept us busy with events so we couldn't think about our brains frying inside our cabezas.

We shot BB's, wrestled goats, road the swing bike, took wagon rides, fed chickens, ran through sprinklers, admired the dory, ate peaches, adored Huxley...
The Peak's farm house is so cute and their barn was full of toys for our river trip. We borrowed their raft and river board and a plethra of river gear. Thanks friends.
We are grateful they let us use their place as a staging area for the river trip. Everyone showed up at their door to get ready for the riv. (Aaron, Emily and Kyana arrived with us.) Mac and Steph drove in from Jackson Wyoming. Nicole and Greg Bun came up from Moab. Dave Gelber (what the heck was our Hilo friend doing in Western Colorado?) arrived in from Denver. It was quite the party at the Peaks. We feasted on Elk burgers (Mac's huntin' skills) and fresh greens from Katy's garden the night before put in.
5. River Trip!
Kip and Katy (newly weds) drove in from the Aspen area and met us at the boat ramp in the morning. After running shuttle and rigging boats, we shoved off for two days on Ruby-Horsethief and a day run of Westwater. This section ofthe Colorado River flows across the border to Colorado and into Southern Utah.Miley did great on her first riv float. She didn't like the pfd, but tolerated it. She loved tooling around in the eddy at our campsite, Blackrocks. I loved the red sandstone cliffs, the muddy water, and the relaxing flow of life on the for the soul
We're open to help with this little guy's name. Although Joachim doesn't make the cut. Sorry Mom.
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Miley and Mason Birthday PARTY

After a bit of lunch, Miley and I went in the pool. This inflatable pool is the best. It is a whale with a tale for shade, and a spout that sprinkles water when hooked to a hose. She loved it! We splashed and played with other kiddos who joined us. Then daddy turned on the spout and interest was ignited again. Ther