My dad was born on January 21st 1941. He would have been 69 this year. Here are just a few of the wonderful sayings or "Jim'isms" that linger in my head from the
years and
years of him repeating them.
"I was feeling good, but I'll get over it."
"Rounding you kids up is like trying to catch a fart in a windstorm."
"Shit fire and save matches."
"Want in one hand, shit in the other; see which one fills up faster."
When he didn't know the answer to a question..."Don't start me to lying."
While driving..."hey Jean, open the trunk, this guy(tailgater) wants in."
I miss dad. He was such a character with his coffee, quesadillas, PBS television, and the same ol' saying. If he were here he would advise me against getting chickens (I wouldn't listen and would probably regret it). He would hate being dragged to Hawaii with mom to visit Miley. He would love Miley to pieces but act like he didn't.
We're hoping she doesn't get dad's ears, toes, or fingernails, but that his wit, memory, and love are copious traits.