Thursday, December 18, 2008


Timber and I both teach Jr High School students. I've seen all of my female students go gaga over the book Twilight. I'd seen the previews for the movie (recently released) and wrote the whole thing off as a high school epidemic. Until...
Timber has quite a reader in his class. They connect with each other by sharing books. Often time Timber will roll his eyes while reading saying, "This one is for kids." However, after his student gave him Twilight, he read the book with very few eye rolls.
I got a cold last week and picked up the book while I was confined to the couch. I read it in the two days it took my body to fight off the grimies.


Ya see, there is a series of 4 books. The student had all of them and has graciously passed them on to us. Timber stays just a book ahead of me and has been keeping the secrets well. Here it is just 2 and 1/2 weeks later and I'm waiting for him to finish the last book so I can suck the blood out of it.

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