June 24 is August’s first birthday. His party was last weekend at Unky and Bhama’s place. It was such a lovely gathering of kiddos young and old. Gus and Jonah kicked off the celebration with some pool time, naked boys splashing around loving life. (funny side note: the pool was a blow up in the shape of a whale...Jonah and the whale)

The bigger kids (Katie, Phil, Timber and friends) enjoyed a game of kickball and of course Koob.
My mom and I made a personalized cake for Gus. Well ,we made a muffin (sugar and oil free) for him. My mom decorated it with a big "1" on top.
Gus didn't quite get the idea of plowing into birthday cake. He kept looking at his parents like, "um, is it okay for me to do this. How about now, can I do this? You aren't going to take this away, are you, it is fun."

It was an authome event. I especially enjoyed hanging out with all the parents and seeing various stages of this adventure called parenthood.