Sunday, February 28, 2010


The Chilean 8.8 shaker sent a wave toward our island. Luckily it was just a small 1-2 foot tsunami. It did make some major changes in our day. We were awaken at 2:00am with the news. Ya see, Timber's school is an evacuation shelter so the school is one of the first groups to get the news. Once that news hit the "coconut wireless" it spread like swine flu. We were getting solid calls for the rest of the day. I am grateful we have so many people who care for us...but at 2:00am?! We were at a hotel in Kona. So once we got up and moving, we started heading back to our side of the island. All across the island we saw Civil Defense and emergency employees gearing up for the event. We are really impressed with the preparedness. We watched the event from Carrie and Brian's house in Kaumana City. There was definitely changes in the bay...but nothing huge and disastrous. Thank goodness.
It was an exciting day! We loved hanging with Carrie, Brian, and Mason. The babies played and played. We had a wonderful tsunami soup. We all napped. And we all were cozy in our homes for the evening.

1 comment:

K. Koessler said...

We were thinking of you guys. Im glad you made it to higher ground! We were at a cabin last weekend with no reception but we wanted to talk to you guys so badly! Life is always exciting on the Big Island