Recently Timber and I got new bikes. He scored his off Craig's List and I from our friend Dine when she moved off island. We are STOKED about the 8 minute ride from our driveway to the ocean cliffs at the end of the road. Our list of "adventures to take" is filling with various bike rides (
Puna Coast Ride,
Shipman's Beach Ride, cruise along the Red Road, to the landing, etc.).
We took off on the 8
th to tick one of these destinations off the list. Our mission: Green Sands Beach. We arrived at the parking lot at South Point in the mid afternoon. The area is notorious for wind (check out the photo, the trees grow sideways because of the constant force)
however, on this afternoon, it was EXTRA windy. The car doors blew shut as we got ready. Gusts blew the bikes down as we put the tires on. I was very apprehensive about the adventure. As I braced myself against the gales, I was sure the adventure would turn out to be an EPIC.
The second hill proved me right.
Timber and I huffed up a rocky hill and stopped at the top for a vehicle to pass. The driver waved us on, but looking at the cliffs and holes in my path, I didn't want to go. I offered the way to Timber, who promptly lifted his foot and went for it. I stared after him in disbelief that he was actually going, in
horror that he would eat it, and with excited,
admirational support.
Apparently he
wasn't planning on taking the route that sent him over the edge of a giant rock. As he started toward his line, a rock,
wind gust, and/or a
malevolent irony of life, grabbed his front tire and led him over the rock ledge. This route
buried his front wheel between the ledge and the next rock. Over the handle bars he went.
In the time between leaving his saddle and touching the ground, he turned into a ninja. When he hit the ground, he rolled over his right shoulder and used the momentum to come back to standing with a smile on his face. I didn't even think of asking him if he was all right...that would have been
preposterous. Of course the ninja was okay.
Unfortunately, the bike took a beating. Look closely at the photo and you'll see the warped front tire. It was too warped to ride. So Ninja decided to stash the bike and jog the rest of the way to the beach.
We invented the Auth Relay on the way back to the car. Timber took off running and I on my bike. I peddled out in front of him and then hopped off the bike and started jogging. When he got to the bike, he jumped on. He rode past me and then stashed the bike for me to take... This relay was so fun. We made it back to his stashed gimp bike lickey splickety.
Here's to a new wheel and more Authome bike adventures...oh and to a helmet for Timber just in case he can't channel his inner ninja next time.