Monday, April 6, 2009

A Baby Shower Mad Lib

This is the story of Miley's birth as described by one of the guests at our baby shower. It was composed in mad lib style.

Jean E stopped everything she was doing when she felt a sudden painful contraction in her piko (belly button). Of course, the first thing she did was go to the Hawaiian Paradise Park and sit, to keep her mind off the discomfort.

When the contractions become more frequent, Timber suggested that she eat, till she knew for sure she was in labor. She quickly declined. She was sure it was time to go to Seattle and give birth to her pretty baby.

Before leaving she called the yoga teacher and said she would be leaving right after she ran. Within 3 minutes of hanging up the phone, she was to the point where she could not even swim during a contraction. When Timber walked into e office ans saw her on her hands and knees talking, he said "we are going NOW!" and quickly packed up the BMW and got everything ready.

The drive to Seattle was exquisite. When Jean E arrived, the yoga teacher examined her. She was 9cm dilated and the baby's eye lash was right there. Th yoga teacher suggested she try spitting through a few contractions. It worked! Her plate broke. One more push and a loud BooYa later, the baby was born.

Baby Miley was so perfect, with an adorable foot and 2 fingers and toes. Everyone noticed immediately that the baby had her father's ear lobes and her mother's leg. She weighed 1901 pounds, 2009 ounces and was 1997 inches long.

Some notes...We are not swimming to Seattle to give birth.

We don't have a BMW...but it's on the baby registry if you want to get us one.

Timber does have cute ear lobes and I hope Miley gets them.

I have two legs and hope that Miley does as well.

I also hope she has a few more fingers and toes.

Cheers to whomever wrote this touching birth story! We loved it! Kudos to Katie for putting this activity together!

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